Saturday, October 3, 2009

These Words

These words
tracing what I see

These words
groping for the unseen
playing guessing games with the unnamed

These words
wrapping lovingly around those I adore

These words
filling up space

These words
tumbling onto the page

These words
time love magic bread doors swords songs life questions clues roads water flowers stone

These words
humming my song

These words
loose change in my pocket
that I jingle in the dark

These words
that weigh nothing
These words
that bear the weight of the world

These words
that waft through the air
land on paper
then slide off
chorusing into blood
through hearts beating
through mouths singing
through hands reaching

into everything
into nothing
in a mad dance that never ends

it is my favorite game
to gather them in my hands
stand at my door
and blow them like a wish into the wind

casting spells with my breath
like a good little witch

I watch them flutter and fall
and chant my favorite mantra of all
to myself
to you
to everything
to nothing at all

I love you
I love you
I love you

1 comment:

  1. YOu are such a wondrous writer. I love!!! this. Please send it out for publishing. Who knows where it may land. I am inspired by your words and your efforts in sharing your inner most. Thank you. I recognize that sense of searching so. And have to say, it is certainly the most meaningful realm to wander in prose. Once you've landed it, watch out, the words may just fall away. Cherish this time of the open ended never knowing anything anywhere all possiblity
